Get Involved
The CTIW Foundation is generally run on the goodwill of our team as well as our vision partners, patrons and volunteers. However our team, partners, patrons and volunteers are never enough to do it all and we are more than happy to hear from you on your decision to help us.
Please make the decision today to touch a life and save a soul. It is our deepest desire to run the activities and projects at a bigger scale to affect vulnerable lives across the world. We have different projects and we pray you find a way through a project of your choice to touch the lives of the next generation. There are different ways to get involved. You can get involved with a donation in kind or cash, as a volunteer, partner, patron or as a sponsor.

Our Volunteers are most valuable to us and without volunteers, the CTIW Foundation could not have seen the light of the day. You can volunteer in so many ways through any project of your preference to join hands with us on this journey of unending miles we have embarked upon. People can offer their volunteer services from their home country (distance volunteering and virtual volunteering) as well as in the country and at the location the projects are running.

You may support the CTIW Foundation as a Patron offering expert services to assist planning and execution of set projects. Patrons may need to dedicate more time to project meetings, explore their relationships over the years to help the CTIW Foundation seek support, offer administrative/ managerial skill sets, initiate fundraising activities, structure valuable ministry partnerships etc. Patrons may also double as Sponsors or Vision Partners once they have the means to commit more to projects as required.
Vision Partners

You could become a Vision Partner by offering long-term support skill sets, partner with donations of specific resources for specific projects, dedication of time to serve on different projects, sponsoring specific part of a project/ projects, provide financial support annually, for selected months or weeks over a period of two years and more.

Are you led to support the CTIW Foundation as a Sponsor, helping us with a one-time donation? Or you may even wish to stay anonymous? We welcome and appreciate any donation of any size, kind or in any way!